Actuellement fermé

Reservation of your stay

The registration to one of our stays, implies the acceptance of our terms of sale.
When booking, you must pay a deposit of 30% of the total amount of your stay.
After receiving the deposit   will send you a booking confirmation. The reservation is nominative and personal and can not under any circumstances be subject to an assignment or sublease.

In the cottages, animals are not accepted.

Any modification of file or reservation, must be notified in writing.
For any rental with a reservation: the balance must be paid on the day of arrival.
In all cases, the taxes of stay and options not having been the subject of a reservation (electricity, pet ...) are to be paid on site, upon the day of arrival.
Any change in the applicable VAT rate, which occurred between the time the tariffs were determined and the invoice for the stay, will entail a corresponding modification of the tax included price.

Important note

No brochure nor website page are safe from any mistake, omission, or error, please have the prices confirmed at the time of booking. Only the prices mentioned on your invoice are contractual.

Our prices include

For the cottages

Access to the entire resort , including the "wellness area", electricity, heating off-summer-season , towels, full bedding, WIFI access and all the equipment needed to use the cottages for the number of persons corresponding to the chosen accommodation.

For the camping

Access to the entire camping section (lower part of the domain, up to the chicken coop).

Our prices do not include

Extra car parking lot, extra person (vs. reservation), daily visitor, cancellation insurance and visitor's tax.

For the campsite: Extra tent, animals.

Surety deposit

The deposit of 300,00 € for lodging in the cottage which will be collected on the day of your arrival, will be returned to you on the day of your departure, after an inventory, minus the costs corresponding to any damage.
In the event of a problem in the rented accommodation, you have to make a complaint on site, within 24 hours (notably about the inventory, the state, the cleanliness). After this deadline, no complaint will be taken into consideration and you will be held responsible of any damage at your departure.

Use of Places

The owner shall furnish the dwelling in accordance with its description and shall keep it in a usable state. The customer must ensure the peacefulness of the rental and make use of it in accordance with the idea of the resort and the internal regulations.
Upon departure, the tenant agrees to return the dwelling place without any damage, as he found it upon arrival. Any repairs of any importance, due to the negligence of the tenant during his stay will be in his charge.
Sub-letting is forbidden, even free of charge, under penalty of contract cancellation.

After sales services

can not be held responsible for unforeseeable events, force majeure, climatic events, legal decisions, which would disrupt, interrupt, or prevent the stays.
Any complaint concerning a stay must be sent to us by registered mail with receipt acknowledgment, within 10 days after the end of the stay. We will process your complaint within 60 days after receiving your mail.

Arrivals and departures (unless agreement)

Arrivals to the cottages & camping pitches happen from 15h00 to 20h00.

Departures happen before 10:00 am.

For late check-in and / or early check-out, you must notify reception.

Cancellation insurance

This warranty is optional.
Without having subscribed to this guarantee, all the sums paid are retained.
If you subscribe to this guarantee, you are entitled to a refund of the paid sums, excluding the cancellation warranty, under the following conditions that are applicable to the insured person, his spouse, his direct descendants, or any person benefiting from the rental:

  • Death or serious illness,
  • Administrative, judicial or military convocation or as jury of assize,
  • Work dismissal or transfer, personal business bankruptcy.

Any activation of this guarantee, requires a proof (certificate of death, medical, copy of convocation, etc ...)
This guarantee is payable in addition to the amount of the rental, at the same time as the deposit.
Its amount is 20,00 €.

Cancellation of stay

Any cancellation MUST be notified by writing to before midnight on the expected arrival day.
You then have a period of 5 days, from the date of cancellation, to send us the justifications in a registered letter.
With or without cancellation insurance, in case of delayed arrival, early departure, whatever the cause, the tenant will be required to pay the full amount due, and no refund will be granted.


The responsibility of the resort is not engaged in case of:

  • Failure to comply with the internal regulations and the safety instructions related to the resort,
  • Theft, loss or damage whatsoever, during or following a stay,
  • Failure or decommissioning of technical equipment or installations,
  • Damages caused or suffered by vehicles of residents stationing or circulating within the resort,
  • Change of the configuration of the dwelling place,
  • Casualty,
  • Cases of major forces.

Found object

The objects found will be sent upon request against reimbursement of the shipping fees.


All claims related to the stay must be made on site with the manager so as to allow an immediate solution to be found. In the absence of any claim, the stay shall be deemed by express agreement to have taken place under satisfactory conditions.

All judicial or extrajudicial applications arising from the contracts for the sale of stays shall be prescribed at the end of a period of two months from the date of the end of the stay. In case of dispute, the competent court will be the one of the place of stay.

Agreement about the use of Internet by the public

This agreement recalls the current legislation in order to inform, educate and empower users.

Terms of use

The user undertakes not to use the WI-FI service (whether free or for a fee) for illicit, prohibited or illegal purposes.
Therefor, the user must respect this non-exhaustive list of regulations related :

  • To the privacy of every person and to his respect,
  • To the code of intellectual and artistic property,
  • To the automated processing of nominative data,
  • To the compliance with the public policy rules about information content,
  • To the secrecy of correspondence and the prohibition of interception of communications transmitted by telecommunication means.

The user when using the service, also agrees :

  • To not getting or collecting information about third parties without their consent,
  • Not to defame, disseminate, harass, track down, threaten anyone, or violate the rights of others,
  • Not to create a false identity,
  • Not to attempt obtaining unauthorized access to a service and/or data and/or file,
  • Not to distribute or permit to download any material containing software or other material protected by intellectual property rights, unless he has such rights or has received all necessary authorizations,
  • Not to address unwanted/spam messages,
  • Not to send messages and/or e-mail messages that include abusive, defamatory, obscene, indecent, unlawful or infringing language, including human rights and the protection of minors,
  • Not to transmit viruses, trojans, logic bombs or any other harmful or destructive programs to third parties and/or other users,
  • Not to attempt to obtain or maintain unauthorized access to an automated data processing system,
  • Not to disturb the services and/or contents and/or data to which he gets access.

The landlord, at the request of third parties and/or any competent authority, keeps the right to:

  • Suspend temporarily or permanently any use of the service without his liability being engaged and without the user being able to claim any compensation or repair,
  • To provide upon request of the authorities, the logs of the connections as well as the MAC addresses of the  used devices.

Generally speaking, under no circumstances can the landlord be obliged to repair the direct and/or indirect damage suffered as a result of the use of the service by the user, who acknowledges that the Resort can not be responsible for the Content accessed by the user and that accessibility to content and services is not guaranteed and may be suspended without notice.

Resort rules

They are displayed at the reception of the cottages and at the reception of the campsite.

First and second category dogs are not accepted.

No installation (tent, vehicle or additional person) is accepted on the site of the campsite, without prior agreement of the person in charge of the campsite.

For reasons of safety and insurance, the number of occupants can not exceed the capacity provided by the type of accommodation. Otherwise, reserves the right to refuse access to the rental.

On the whole field, the children shall in all cases remain under the responsibility and supervision of the parents.

Rental Insurance

It is imperative for the customer to ensure that he has a holiday extension as part of his insurance contract. If this is not the case, the tenant is obliged to take the necessary steps in order to obtain this guarantee.

The tenant must also have an insurance for the degradations that he could cause to the accommodation and the whole Resort, himself or his accompanying persons. Clients will have to prove their insurance at the first request.